Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Final Evaluation

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. B
  6. E
  7. A
  8. D
  9. E
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. E
  14. A
  15. D
  16. E
  17. B
  18. C
  19. C
  20. E
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. B
  25. B
  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. B
  30. C
  31. E
  32. A
  33. A
  34. B
  35. C

Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Chapter II Understanding Functions and operations of various of Information Communication Technology devices

A. Multiple Choice

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. E
6. E
7. C
8. B
9. A

B. Essay
1. in ASCII code, by what code is letter W represented?
2. Name and explain all suporting devices inside a CPU?
3. What is the abbreviation and the function of ROM?
4. Name three examples of network interface cards.
5. Name several cables that use on a wired network.

1. The letter W is represented by the number code 87.
2. If the CPU (cassing) so suported by keyboard, monitor, speaker, mouse.
3. ROM ( Read Only Memory). ROM is to save computer operation progam, such as BIOS and booting.
4. There are several NIC types in the market, such as : Ethernet, Arcnet, and token ring.
5. There are several types of cables for this computer network, namely :
1. UTP Cable (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
2. STP Cable (Shielded Twisted Pair)
3. Coaxial Cable
4. Serat Optik




1. Name several factors taht make someone prefer using illegal softwares.
2. Describe the difference between ethics and morality in the society.
3. What is meant by the patent rights of a produc?
4. Explain the correct position / posture to use a computer
5. What is the addreviation of HAKI?

1. a. Low income, b. Low education, c. The cost a permit or licensed software is relatively expensive, d. Low law enforcement, e. Lack of awareness to use genuine software.
2.Ethics are a concept of acknowlegment by the society towards human thoughts, which means that this cncept evolves following men's true values. Whereas, morality is a code of conduct or a common conception of what is right according to the society (common values).
3.Trademark with patent has rights by law, so that the invention cannot be used by people or other company without the permission of the patent owner.
4.The good sitting position is to sit on a seat with a back-rest, and the head is not so high in order to keep the linear ditance with the monitor.
5. Hak Atas Kekayaan Intelektual (HAKI) or Intellectual Property Rights Protection.

Evalution Of Semester 1

PAGE 110 - 115

1. D
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. E
9. E
10. D
11. C
12. B
13. C
14. E
15. B
16. E
17. A
18. E
19. E
20. B
20. C
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. E
28. D
29. A
30. C


1. Explain the proper way to turn a computer On and Off !
Turn On the computer :
a.Ensure that all power cable in a computer are connected
b.Turn On the CPU by pressing the ON or Power button on the casing
c.Turn On the monitor by pressing the On or Power button on the monitor
d.Wait until the booting procedure is finished, which is shown by the desktop appearance on the monitor screen.
Shut Down on the computer :
a. Close all active application programs.
b. Click the Start button on the desktop menu.
c. Click the Shut Down button
d. Wait a moment until the computer is shutting down.

2. Name several categories of application software !
a.Word Processor (Office Suite)
b.Graphic Suite
d.Web Browser

3. Explain briefly about computer operation !
a. user
b. input
c. CPU
d. output
e. and back to the user

4. What is the abbreviation and the function of ROM !
ROM = Read Only Memory. ROM is to save computer operation program .

5. Name word processing software from Windows Vista operating system !
Those are Notepad and Wordpad

6. Name types of flash memory that you know !
CF, SD, MMC, Memory Stick and xD

7. Name three examples of computer network topology !
a. Bus Topology
b. Star Topology
c. Ring Topology

8. What are the ethics in using ICT device in the places of worship ?
kuTo avoid ICT device and To switch into silent or vibrate mode

9. Name aspects to be aware of in using a cellphone ?
a. Use a handsfree device to reduce the electromagnetic wave. Even though it has not been clinically proven, electromagnetic wave can distrub brain cells and can cause cancer. Using cellphones for a long period of time can heat the ears.
b. Do not use the cellphone while driving. Besides it is against the rule, it distracts the driver's concentration. IF it is really necessary to use cellphone, use a handsfree device.
c. Do not use cellphone on a plane. The electromagnetic wave transmission distrubs the navigation system in the cabin that could cause a plane uncontrolled or lose direction
d. Do not use a cellphone in a gas station. The warning is because it can break the cellphones or the filling up digital devices in the gas station.

10. Describe the advantage of using genuine software !
a. Free application software updates
b. Official technician support
c. Upgrade discount
e. Software manual
f.Guaranteed free from virus and spyware

Evalution Of Semester 2

Evaluation of Semester 2

A. Multiple Choice

1. A
2. E
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. C
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. A
16. A
17. D
18. A
20. B
21. D
22. D
23. C
24. A
28. A
29. B

B. Essay
1.Explain how to change a desktop background !
@ On the perzonalization page, choose desktop background.
2. What is the use of a screen saver ?
@Screen saver is to protect the screen from electron that jumpsin high speed because of the magnetic and electric field effect inside the monitor tube.
3. Name and explain briefly the device that can enhance the picture quality !
4. What is the advantage of managing file ?
5. How to cancel a deletion in the Recycle Bin ?
@ Choose the Recycle Bin icon on the Folder panel.
@ Chose the file or folder to cancel the delection.
@ Next, from the menu abobe choose Restore this item or by right clicking the file, choose Restore.
6. Name and explain briefly about the the control size buttons !
@ Add Hardware =>To install hardwares that do not support plug and play.
@ Autoplay => To run an application from CD, DVD, or flash disk that is inserted to a computer.
@ Date and Time => To set the date and time on a computer.
@ Device Manager => To set the connected hardwares on he computer.
@ Folder Optons => To adjust te appearance of a folder.
@ Fonts => To set the installed fonts on a computer.
@ Game Controllers => To set a joystick.
@ Internet Options => To set the Internet Explorer application.
@ Keyboard => To set a keyboard.
@ Mouse => To set a mouse.
@ Personalization => To set the screen or desktop.
7. What is the Print Preview icon for ?
Print Preview is for viewing the page before printing .
8. What icon is used for writing mathematical equations or formulas ?
9. Describe the steps to create page numbers !
@ Click the Insert tab.
@ Click Page Numbers until the page number location option appears.
@ From those options, we determine the page number position, for example to put the page number on the bottom of the page, choose the Bottom of Page (Footer). Then, choose the preferred format.
@ To set the number format, click the Insert tab then click Page Numbers then choose the Format Page Number icon until the Page Number Format dialog box appears.
@ To choose the numbering format, click the arrow below the Number Format and set the numbering format.
@ Click the OK button to close the Page Number Format dialog box.
@ Click OK to finish the page number and its format setting.
10. how to set a distance among sentences ?
@ Select the text to be set.
@ Click on the Home tab, choose the dialog box launcher on the Font group to show the Font diaolog box.
@ Choose the Character Spacing.
@ Scale option is to set the scale to adjust the space among characters.
@ Spacing option is to adjust the space among characters.
@ Position option is to set the character position towards a line.